
Showing posts from 2018

Certified Programmer C#

Certificate In C# After completing my certificate in C# I have learned a lot of new topics that I haven't came across before such as inheritance, abstract class and polymorphism. After completing this I have a good understanding of the C# langues and feel confident to develop and application with it in the near future.  Link To Cert 

Certified Java Programmer

Java Certificate Sololearn I have just completed my course and earned a certificate in Java programming. I have leaned new and interesting topics in Java. The course was comprised of a series of lessons that covered various topics. The topics that was covered in the course was: Basic Concepts - Intro, Hello World, Comments, Printing, Variables and User Input.   Conditionals and  Loops  - Conditional Statements, nested if, else if, logical statements, switch statement, for, do while and while loops.   Arrays - Summing Elements in an array. summing multipliers, geometry code, Enhanced for Loop, Multidimensional Arrays and Matrix.    Classes and Objects   - Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Methods, Return Types, Creating Classes & Objects, Class Attributes, Access Modifiers, Getters & Setters and Reference types.      More On Classes  - Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism,  Overriding & Overloading, Abstract...

Certified CSS Programmer

Certificate In CSS  I have just completed my CSS certificate on solo learn which I really enjoyed doing. I learned various topics in CSS such as Working With Text, Properties, Positing and Layout, CSS3 Basics, Gradients & Backgrounds and Transitions & Transformations. This will help me progress my skills and abilities in web development. Link To Certificate  Image Of Certificate:

Certified PHP Developer

SoloLearn Certificate In PHP   I feel that after completing this certification on SoloLearn has helped me gain a better understanding of how PHP works. By gaining a better understanding of PHP I am more comfortable and efficient in programming applications.  Link To Certificate  Related Link: What is Your Favourite Programming Language

HTML Fundamentals Course

HTML Fundamentals Course  I have just completed my certificate at Sololearn on HTML, The course was broken down into 4 main sections overview, HTML basics, challenges and HTML5. The overview section covered the basic introduction to HTML, starting with the basic HTML structure to creating a basic blog. HTML basics covered paragraphs, text formatting, elements, attributes, images, and links. The final section HTML5 covered web storage API, Geo location API, the audio element, and the video element. I will have a board on Pinterest, where I will upload all the certificates that I earn in the near future called certificates .   The link to my Sololearn certificate:  HTML Fundamentals Certificate .