
Showing posts from May, 2018

Certified Java Programmer

Java Certificate Sololearn I have just completed my course and earned a certificate in Java programming. I have leaned new and interesting topics in Java. The course was comprised of a series of lessons that covered various topics. The topics that was covered in the course was: Basic Concepts - Intro, Hello World, Comments, Printing, Variables and User Input.   Conditionals and  Loops  - Conditional Statements, nested if, else if, logical statements, switch statement, for, do while and while loops.   Arrays - Summing Elements in an array. summing multipliers, geometry code, Enhanced for Loop, Multidimensional Arrays and Matrix.    Classes and Objects   - Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Methods, Return Types, Creating Classes & Objects, Class Attributes, Access Modifiers, Getters & Setters and Reference types.      More On Classes  - Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism,  Overriding & Overloading, Abstract...

Certified CSS Programmer

Certificate In CSS  I have just completed my CSS certificate on solo learn which I really enjoyed doing. I learned various topics in CSS such as Working With Text, Properties, Positing and Layout, CSS3 Basics, Gradients & Backgrounds and Transitions & Transformations. This will help me progress my skills and abilities in web development. Link To Certificate  Image Of Certificate: